Join me inside a group business coaching container designed to support your business and help you thrive. Let’s make 2025 your most prosperous and successful year yet!
I’ve grown my Sound Healing business from making $1500/month to making multi-6-figures over the last 4 years and have learned SO many lessons the hard way! When I first began, I didn’t have a support system in place and I had to figure it all out on my own.
Because of this, I wanted to create a space to support my current and past students in an affordable and sustainable way….and thus the Sound Healers Society was born! Not only does this keep me connected with you, but it also connects you to other sound practitioners across the country.
The Sound Healers Society is perfect for you if you’re a sound practitioner looking for extra support and connection but aren’t able to invest in 1-1 coaching programs.
Inside the Sound Healers Society you can:
- Ask me questions and get advice and guidance from me on things like pricing, services, the business of your business, and anything else you need!
- Meet a community of fellow sound practitioners across the country for ongoing support, networking and collaboration
- Receive prompts and insights to grow your business
- Share your successes and challenges
- Book 1-1 coaching sessions at $100 off, sign up for the Music Theory for Sound Healers course at $100 off, and get discounts on any additional workshops during your time in the group
and so much more we have yet to discover together!
INVESTMENT: $33/month
Things to keep in mind:
– I will be available to respond to questions and check messages between 11-5p M-F
– I ask that you keep audio notes under 3 minutes in the group
– You are not expected to read every single message!
– You can cancel your subscription anytime!